Probation Violations

Support for When You Violate the Terms of Probation

Due to the strict nature of most probation terms, it is easier than you might think to risk a violation to the terms of your supervision. The most common probation violations in Ohio include:

  • Not paying court fines
  • Being late to or missing a probation meeting
  • Not completing a court-ordered class
  • Missing or failing an alcohol or drug test
  • Failing to register as a sex offender
  • Not reporting a change of employment status
  • Changing your address without permission
  • Associating with known criminals
  • Being convicted for a new offense

Have You Been Charged with a Probation Violation?

No matter how minor the violation may be, the court does not look kindly on those who break the terms of their probation. In Ohio, prosecutors are only required to present minimal evidence against you. If convicted, a judge can rule that you serve the remainder of your sentence in jail and even add time to your original sentence. The best strategy for avoiding such harsh penalties is to call on a dedicated criminal defense attorney.

Have you been charged with probation violation in Cleveland, Ohio?

    Resolving Probation Violations in Cleveland

    The lawyers at Marein & Bradley act quickly and aggressively on behalf of their clients. Even before your case goes to court, they will work with probation officers to resolve parole violations. If you are facing a parole violation hearing following an arrest, they will present the strongest possible defense in court. For the best parole violation representation in Cleveland, contact us.